Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Less is sometimes more!

With a husband that is almost six and a half feet tall, a fifteen year old that is almost 190 pounds of solid muscle, a 13 year old just hitting his growth spurt, an extremely tall 12 year old as well as 3 other children and myself you could probably guess that we consume our fair share of food and toiletries. We are the consummate "Buy in Bulk" family and out of necessity, we are also a "Cheaper is Better" family.

For the last fifteen years I have been buying jumbo sized packages of toilet paper. I am sure, if you come from a large family, you know the TP I speak of. You buy 24 rolls at a time. 2 ply industrial strength, individually wrapped and cheap. If you have never used this type of toilet paper then you don't know that it serves a double purpose. Not only can you buy large amounts for less money, the very nature of the product does not induce you to use more than the bare minimum. I mean, it works ... but the best descriptor might be "efficient".

Our town has a brand new Super Walmart. Well everyone else in our community has flocked to the new store, I relish in shopping in the near empty isles of our local supermarkets that have filled their stores with rock bottom sales to maintain their customer base. Alas, there on a discount rack was a package of Charmin' Toilet Paper for cheap. CHEAP I tell you. So I bought it.

There is a whole other world that I knew nothing about and I have crossed over to the other side. Toileting will never be the same. Would it be bad to forbid the boys from using it?


Anonymous said...

LOL, that is so funny! I am a major "buy the cheapest" kind of shopper myself but one place I stray is I MUST have the Charmin Extra Soft TP.

Jenny said...

YES!!! Hide it in your bedroom and guard it at all costs.

Kuchenmeister said...

Girls have delicate heinies, so yes, by all means, HIDE IT! We were using Scott and it was like using 46 sheets of sandpaper. Hubby brough home charmin and we can use 2, yes 2 sheets for the same purpose and it it nice and cozy :)

Laura said...

I do this all the time! I buy the nice stuff for my bathroom and I buy the western family for the boys bathroom... :-)
I deserve a few luxuries and that is one of them!

Anonymous said...

I grew up with four brothers, three sisters, a Mom and a Dad.

And bulk Costco toilet paper.

Then one day, I had a coupon that darned near changed my life!! of course, I still use the bulk stuff usually....but every once in a while I treat myself :)

Anonymous said...

Don't forbid them, just hide it and it can be your little secret! :-)

Karen said...

I agree with everyone who says to hide it. That wouldn't be bad at all! I'm not from a large family so we've never used bulk TP, but i teach in a public school so I've had some experience with the industrial strength stuff. For a while we had individually dispensed squares that I swear were the same thing as our math scrap paper. You know, the grayish paper you were supposed to show your work on. I usually tried to hold it until I got home.

Regina said...

My hubby calls that kind of TP "John Wayne Paper" - it's rough, it's tough, and it don't take no crap. LOL.

I for one will work at McD's before I give up my Cottonelle.

Becky said...

Yup there are a few places cheap just doesn't cut it and TP is one. I'm with the others...hide it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good laugh. I will take my Charmin to the office even, no grit for my bum, no thanks! ;)

Veronica said...

go for it!!! that is why we have two bathrooms...they boys have no idea as to the luxury available in the TP department!

Di said...

You crack me up (pun intended) and YES YOU need some extra pampering, be it in an ever so modest way, by all means save it for you... just do not tell them. All of us that have teens know, if you tell them they can not have it or use it or go to it, then they will find a way to make IT happen. What they do not know will not hurt them. Enjoy it while you can, because we also know that once a teen finds out most of the time they tell 2 friends!