Thursday, August 22, 2013

And then there were seven -- Welcome Baby Grayce

There was a call.  A familiar voice on the other end and an announcement that my girls were big sisters. 

A Baby Girl. 

No. I said.  No.  

We are done. 

We are DONE. 

"Just come see her, please" the voice said

"They've asked you to take her"

And so I visited.  A tiny baby.  Alone. 

My baby. Our baby.  

God's Grace is Sufficient.

 And today she is, finally, ours.  We are a family.  

Seven kids.  

Two tired parents.  

God's Grace is Sufficient. 


Katrina said...

How exciting. Congratulations.

Joy said...

Lovely - congratulations :)

Michelle, Dave & Babes said...

Congrats. And lots and lots of extra energy thoughts.

Michelle, Dave & Babes said...

Congrats. And lots and lots of extra energy thoughts.

Michelle, Dave & Babes said...

Congrats. And lots and lots of extra energy thoughts.

Michelle, Dave & Babes said...

Sorry, now I feel like I"m stalking you. I tried to send you a PM on teh site and it didn't go through as your mailbox is full! And I can't find another contact info. I'd love some advice about transracial adoption in Canada if you can give it. You can email me at kenzie_dark @ hotmail (dot) com. With out the spaces and with the dot!

And have trouble getting the security question to work!

robyncalgary said...

shes beautiful, congratulations to the exhausted amazing parents <3

Jay Iyer said...

Congratulations on the finalization, Jen. You have my steadfast admiration for providing a home and heart to so many lovely children. A beautiful family indeed!

HollyMarie said...

Awwwww.... life is crazy sometimes, for sure! Blessings to you and yours!

Wendy said...

Congratulations! Now I understand why you are too busy to write your blog!

Melissa said...

Congrats!! You are very lucky to have such a beautiful family :)

Tina Szymczak said...

I wanted you to know that your blog posts about your son meeting his biological family helped me to decide to do the same for my oldest. It helped me to have courage and to know that no matter what I am his mom. Thanks for that

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn... I stumbled upon your blog and have been trying to get every drop out this last week... Any chance you are coming back??