Monday, May 25, 2009

Rock Bottom?

I can't fathom what more could happen, I don't even want to think about that. Because I truly think we have hit rock bottom. Actually I thought that a month ago and things just kept getting worse.

Shel lost his job today.

We can survive about 4 days without his income. Maybe 5.

Pray for my boys because I have no idea how to tell my kids tonight that on top of Papa having cancer, your Grandma dying and Mommy having cancer and needing surgery - on top of ALL THAT, just incase you weren't stressed out enough or nervous enough about the future of our family - Daddy now doesn't have a job and that more than likely means we will have to give up our house and move.

Because you know, apparently, life is just too much to bear sometimes.


marie said...

oh, Jen... what can we do to help?

Holly said...

Jenn, words fail me. I am so incredibly sorry.

mama2roo said...

Jen, I don't generally comment here, but have become a faithful reader, and have been praying with your family as things have been piling up. I have to ask...and seriously, what can I do to help? If you set up a paypal acct I would be willing to contribute what I can...

I'll keep praying that you find some miracles on all fronts.

Please ask for help where you need it. (And then go read Judy's post at justenjoyhim if you haven't already.

Jen Nickel said...

Thanks guys for the prayers and support. I don't want your money (but am amazed at your generosity for even offerring).

It is TOO much, you know? I dont know what else to think about it other than that. The term WHAT NEXT also comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Jen... I don't know what to say... all I can do it pray for you...

Erin said...


I'm so sorry to read this. Praying for miracles for your family.

Judy said...

Jen -- I was honestly just asking a friend about how to set up a paypal account so I might be able to help you do so.

And before you just say a blanket "no," listen first.

When I was going through my treatment, my sick leave was about to run out and I thought I would have to go for a few weeks without pay which would have been a hardship for us. Some of my online friends offered to put up a paypal account for me. I ended up not having to take leave without pay, but at a moment's notice, they would have done so.

One of the biggest lessons I learned throughout my illness that I still carry with me is that letting other people help you is giving them a gift, and it's one that does not have to be paid back. In fact, Paying Forward (doing something for somebody in need in the future) is, I think, an even better concept than Paying Back. :)

Even Jesus let others do for him. :)

I'm not usually this directive, and you can tell me to butt out and I will . . . .

BUT please don't be too proud to accept help where there's a genuine desire to help you out. Your church may have resources to help you out. I don't know your familys' or friends' situations, but if you tell people what you're going through, people may come forward. My unrequested and perhaps unwanted (sorry) advice or assvice? -- let them. Give them that gift of being able to help out. Trust me, it will do more for them than it will for you.

Beyond that, you and your family will be in my prayers. And I mean it -- please let me know if I can help in any way.

With much love and many prayers,

Andy said...


Jen Nickel said...

Judy - thank you for thinking of me and I promise if I ever get to the point of not being able to feed my kids, well then I will consider it. But I live in a country with free medical care and there are SO MANY others in worse shape than us. At least right now. I dont know what I am going to do, but I really in good conscience accept any help from blog readers in the mean time. Its enough that you pray for me, I promise.

Judy said...

OK, gotcha.

Sleep on it, hun. In the meantime, I'll pray and I'm sure you have a lot of other people praying for you. Lean on others and on Him.

Well, you know.

It IS more than you can bear.

And I'm so so sorry.

~ J

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Jen...I am so sorry...I don't even know what to say. You and your family have been through way too much this year!

amaurosis said...

Oh, I am so sorry. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts.

Vanessa said...

Praying for your family!

Maxine said...

God, if you're taking votes... I vote "darn rights, that IS rock bottom!"

Jen, again, I just don't know what to say. Other than what you already know... I'm here for you, in whatever manner you need me to be!

Love you so much and I'm so sorry you're hurting again, worse, still... at all.

Lala's world said...

oh I am so sorry!

Laureen said...

oh Jen - serious? I'm SO, SO sorry...words fail me. If there's anything I can do...just ask okay?

Dana K said...

Are you kidding me? Oh my gosh, I just cannot imagine what you are going through. I'll keep you in my prayers!

Alex said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers and positive thoughts are sent to your family.

I'm so sorry...

Heather said...

Oh, Jen, I will be praying for you guys.

And, seriously, don't hesitate to ask us for support if/when you need it. You clearly have a lot of folks who would like to help.

FireMom said...

Oh, Jen. I'm so sorry.

Please let me know what we can do.

Sandy said...

Jen, I can't believe all of this is happening to you and your family. I wish I was closer to you to help out.


Anonymous said...

(((Hugs to the entire family)))

I am so sorry for yet another loss in your life. Knowing you, you WILL get through this. You're all in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

This also happened for a reason. Shel is there to help you now, and a better job will come right when he needs it. rest, kiss your family. love each other. it will get better. This is a year of change.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Anonymous said...


All I can really say is I'm sorry. It's not fair, you have been through so much already, and now this.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Jen, I'm adding my voice to the chorus of people who care and will help however we can.

Holding you in my thoughts. Let me know what I can send...

Callie said...

I wanted to come over from LFCA to tell you how sorry I am to hear the stress your family has been under of late...and now this. It is more than anyone should have to bear.

I'm adding your family to my prayers and hope things turn around for you soon!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, that sucks!

Hugs Jen!

Anonymous said...

You know Jen, and I know how stupid this wil sound, but it struck a chord with me and I think whomever said it is right. I do believe that this is a year of change for you guys and for having things shaken up. If you have time I would STRONGLY suggest googling Graham Cooke and listening to his wilderness seminar. I know that through this God is begging for you to press in and come closer to Him and i know that my words our futile right now. But if you do nothinge else please listen to Graham Cookes words.....he is one of the main things that keeps getting me through each thing life throws at me and you know they are many...

I will chime in with the others and say that whatever you need, let me know.

Love you to bits dear heart.


Shinejil said...

This is so much for one person to handle at once. My warmest wishes for a swift change for the better are with you.

Agent EE said...

I love you guys so much and if there is anything i can do just let me know, like always I will have you in my heart and prayers. And I mean it, anything you need let me know what i can do ****big hugs****

Anonymous said...

Jen, thinking of you and praying for you and your family in this toughest of times.

Lorie said...

I am new to your blog and was brought here by reading Judy's blog. I am praying for you and your family deeply...I pray for peace and a sense of ease and stability, I pray for wondrous things to happen to you and your lovely husband and children, I pray for great and tremendous joy, for total and incredible healing, I pray that the next thing to happen will well your eyes with tears of gratitude and joy! I pray that the next thing that happens changes your life for the good...forever. I will pray this everyday, until it happens!

Tina B said...

As I read your post today Jen I honestly have to fight back tears. It is taking everything in my power not to run over and give you a giant hug.
There are no words to help but I wish there was a way to help turn things on to a new path for all of you. Put your trust and faith in God.
I will pray for you and your family. HUGS.

Deb said...


Sending you hugs and prayers. Please let us know if there comes a time when you need us to help you in a phsyical way- it is the least we can do for each other.

while I know it is hard to loose a job- is there anything we can do for the boys?

Love and hugs,

Jim said...

Jen, it goes without saying that those of us in your extended community are here for whatever you need. Just ask.


Anonymous said...

Jen ... I've been off-line for several days with computer problems and I am SO sorry to come here and read this. I will continue to pray for you and your family. (((hugs)))

Maria (TDKOL)