Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Christmas Letter Out-takes

I was bemoaning on facebook the fact that it is a little on the difficult side to write a Christmas Letter (like I usually do) when you have had a year like we have had. How to write in 300 words or less to family and friends that only hear from us once a year that you had cancer, your grandma died, your husband lost his job, your dad is very sick and SURPRISE you have two new kids?

My (brilliant, amazing, talented and wonderful) friend Sherry wrote me this little poem. I thought I would share. It brought a smile to my face.

"Well it hasn't been the best year
Remember Grandma? She is no
longer here!
But two new kids added to the brood.
Too bad cancer put me in
a bad mood.
My husband, Shel, got sacked last summer.
Money was tight, so
that's a bummer.
My dad got sick, we hope he'll pull through.
In the mean
time, he feels pretty blue.
So as this horrible year winds to an end,
haven't got much good cheer to send.
If you have any extra joy or good will
to share,
Send it our way to show you care!
And if we survive 'til two
thousand and ten,
We will start off a fresh new year again!
We know in our
hearts it can only get better,
So tune in next year for a happy Christmas


Tudu said...

It's great! That's a good friend, one that will write your Christmas letter. Think she is available to take over my blog while I have a meltdown until January?

Anonymous said...

haha, love it!

birthmothertalks said...

I hope you have a better year!

Anonymous said...

That is super creative!

Veronica said...

totally perfect!!

Anonymous said...

I like it! I like her for what she did for you!
