Friday, January 22, 2010


This was our front yard last year in early March.

This is where I have been every single day for the last week and a half, in mid-January. It's called a PARK. P-A-R-K. IN JANUARY.

Things you might notice about this picture.
  1. The gigantic ball of light up in the sky. I hear its called the sun. Strangely, we noticed it was actually emitting warmth.
  2. The child wearing seasonally inappropriate clothing. What that is is a hoody. In these parts they are the common outerwear of kids in June and July.
  3. The exposed playing surfaces never before seen during winter months. The green ground covering object in the upper right of the photopgraph is apparently GRASS. Grass has before this point been considered extinct from October through April.

In other words because I told you about this we are bound to get two feet of snow and hit minus 30C by Wednesday.


Deb said...

Dang, send the ball of light to my house. I am apparently experiencing the weather that should be in Michigan or in Canada- although no snow. But grey overcast skies- I am sick of it.

Bring on the sun- bring on Spring I am sick of the greyness.

Love and hugs,

Jenny said...

Sound's like Ohio in January. every since I was a kid we get this weird mid/late January warm-up, then freeze our butts off the rest off the winter. Of course, the sun thing is very strange. I don't think I've seen it in ages.

Anonymous said...

Love it!!! I have been wearing flip flops for the past few days. Long may it continue (until the summer, then I'll be complaining it's too hot)!!! Fiona.

Kristie said...

well you can rest knowing the olympics will thank you

Anonymous said...

Well, at least you are taking advantages of such opportunities!

onemorebaby said...

Ack... we still have plenty of white stuff! I am "wantonemore" from the foster stite... thanks for the "can't sleep without a bottle" advice you have me tonight! Made me feel better, and still sane!