Monday, October 26, 2009

This Little Piggy Stayed Home

That there is Tanner. Tanner with H1N1. Tanner with H1N1 in the ER.

Remember how I said last week it was NOT swine flu? Yeah that was me being wrong.

Seven kids. The flu. This could be a long week.

Actually, he is feeling not too bad. He gets a whole week off of school and is laying around in bed watching tv. He is VERY proud of his mask and he should be just fine by Halloween, which is second only to Christmas on the Most Important Calendar Days of the Year for 12 year old boys.

Anyone want to come help me disinfect?


Di said...

Poor baby.. POOR Mama! Let's just hope and pray you can keep it contained to ONE! I just picked Teryn up from school with odd symptoms (odder than her normal mom I need to come home from school calls which happen weekly) Hoping it is nothing more than the regular IBS stuff.... For you my friend - all I can do is pray, a little far to come and disifect! Hugs!

birthmothertalks said...

I really hope he gets better soon. Maybe it won't spread to all the others. I can just see a house ful of sick kids and parents. Yucky! Poor boy.

Amanda said...

Holy cow, poor baby! Glad to hear he's not feeling to bad. Here's hoping the rest of them stay healthy!

Tudu said...

I'd hate to be you this week. No, I'm not laughing, very hard.

Anonymous said...

I guess 7 kids goes along with 7 flu's...

It is just insane, especially that there is apparently not much we can do about. Unless we catch it quick like Tanner's, by the way poor Tanner...Glad that he is better today. This world is just getting a little bit crazier everyday, with flu's flu's and more flu's....Love ya and take care and we won't be coming to visit this week that is for sure...

Jenny said...

I hope he feels better soon. It might be a good time to buy stock in Clorox wipes...

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I hope he feels better soon and for what sounds like an important holiday for him....

Anonymous said...

Oy! Good luck. Hope everyone feels better soon.
