Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Daughters

It is my honor, privilege and absolute joy to introduce you to my daughters.

Miss Curious, forever and always our Taya  and Miss Tiny, forever and always our Jade  were formally and legally placed into our family as our daughters today by the choice of their first mother. 

More details will come as soon as I stop sobbing.


Anonymous said...

I think I better get started on the new wing of my basement! =) Happy Auntie Jess.

Alex said...

Many many congratuilations on your beautiful family.

Heather said...

So very happy for you and your beautiful family, Jen. I'm all choked up and grinning like crazy looking at the pictures. I know you must be so very profoundly relieved that the court stuff is all over.

How lucky the girls will have four older brothers to look out for them as they grow up..... :-D

(((hugs))) to you!!

Anonymous said...

What joyous, wonderful, RELIEVING news! I am so, so, so happy for you. What a beautiful family. Congratulations!


HollyMarie said...

WAhhhoooooooooo! I'm so happy for you! What a gorgeous family photo that is!

Alyssa said...

I am jumping up and down for you! I feel so lucky to have followed your journey and could not be happier for all 8 of you!

Jenny said...

Okay, now I'm crying again. As hard as I'm sure it was, I know that this was one of the best ways for it to have happened. Blessings.

Jenny said...

Just another blog reader saying a big fat congratulations! Beautiful girls! I got a little teary eyed too. So happy for you all!

Kuchenmeister said...

You and your family are truely beautiful! Congrats!

Elizabeth said...

Your family is so beautiful. It's families like yours that make me so excited to foster/adopt!!!

Lisa Soro said...

It's very "Harambee"! How cool that the end of your last year's journey is now the beginning of the rest of your lives! See all 8 of you at Camp...stay blessed.

The Soro Family

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!! I am so very happy for you and your beautiful family!

Erin said...


The girls are beautiful :)

Karen said...

Congratulations! Your kids is absolutely beautiful! I know you feel for the girls' first mom, but still what a blessing for your family. Like so much about adoption--grief and joy mixed together.

Mom 4 Kids said...

Beautiful wonderful news!!!!!

Linda said...

I read your blog all the time but never post. I had to post today though. I am so happpy for you! Congratulations! Your family is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

God Bless you all Jen! Congratulations!!! I am SOOOOO happy for you and can't wait to hear all about "it". They are GORGEOUS ... your family is GORGEOUS! Wow!
Maria (TDKOL)

Amanda said...

Yay!!! I have goosebumps. What a beautiful family you have.

Sunnie said...

Wooohoooo!!! Congrats!!!

Amanda said...

Congratulations!! That is amazing news!

Lala's world said...

Congratulations! you have a beautiful family Jen and are sooo blessed!

Dawn said...

OH MY WORD JEN CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! This was my prayer but still it took me off-guard!! I am beyond thrilled for you, for the girls, and for your whole family!!!!

Shelley Webre said...

I am a (somewhat new) foster mother to a beautiful 7 month old baby boy in Orlando, Fl and have been reading your blog for close to a year. I can't even tell you how happy I am for you for the adoption of your beautiful daughters!!!! I am not sure how I am ever going to survive when I have to say goodbye to my foster son (I have had him for 6 months) and it helps me to read your blog and know my feelings are shared by others. Congrats!!!! Your family is beautiful!!!!

Shelley in Orlando, Florida

DianeScraps said...

What a beautiful family - Congratulations!!!!!

miss kitten said...

i am crying with happiness for you. such a beautiful family!!

it doesnt matter who bore the children under their hearts for 9 months...although that does make a mother. mama is the person who actually does the work, who doesnt get enough credit, who is the one whose heart breaks the most at the wee one's antics.

congradulations, mama. and daddy. and big brothers. yay for such beautiful children!

Abby said...

Some other folks out there are sobbing with you (even some blog readers who've never met you) - but grinning at the same time. As soon as I saw the girls' photo on the homepage, I knew....HALLELUJAH!!!!

They deserve you, and you, them. You are an amazing human being, Jen, and so are the boys and Shel.


Anonymous said...

yea! (jumping up and down) What lovely, lovely pictures! Yea again!

MandMsWorld said...



MandMsWorld said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures!!!!

AussieJenn said...

Congratulations on the forever addition of your two gorgeous little daughters. You have a beautiful family. Enjoy.

Chickenpig said...

You have a beautiful family!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You have a beautiful family.

Andrea said...

I am so excited to see a picture of your sweet family. I know as a foster mama what it means to get to post pictures. Congratualtions to all of you as you walk in the new normal that is permanency.

Angie said...

I am just now reading this but am so happy for you all!!! You have an absolutely GORGEOUS family!!!!! I started reading your blog at the time when your husband lost his job and you had cancer. Hard to believe the miracles that have happened since then, meaning your two daughters!!!! Congratulations!!!

Monica said...

Wow I took a few weeks off and I missed this----WOW WOW WOW congrats on your new family and thank you for always showing grace and courage about the birth family and their thoughts and feelings. Your wisdom has served me through many blog posts. I'm so happy for you. Much love.

votemom said...

i'm so happy to read all the updates. haven't visited your blog in so long and it's just so wonderful to see your daughters' faces and to know they are really YOUR daughters!

so thankful with you.