Sunday, November 1, 2009


Not totally sure if I have mentioned the fact that Shel is working now? It's been sort of an accidental job in between some courses to upgrade and its not a GREAT job, but it's a job and it's most certainly better than Employment Insurance. This job involves being away for 24 hour periods. He was supposed to start next week, but due to the unfortunate death of his course instructor's husband and the subsequent cancellation of his course, he started LAST week.
He has a line on a better job that will involve him being away from home for two week periods at a time. Anyone want to keep me company? I have an empty playpen in the bathroom you could use. Well at least it's empty tonight. It was full most of last week, and will be full again tomorrow. Remember how child #7 (Miss Precious) was NOT going to be staying here? I was wrong. At least temporarily wrong. She has been here, and been here alot. I am tired. Two infants and a toddler, a middle schooler and 3 teens? Feels like alot. Of course, it also makes 6 kids feel very, very easy.

Back to the job. Yesterday, Shel unexpectedly got called into work at seven in the morning.

Yesterday? It was Halloween. I was home alone with 7 kids. The boys each had a hockey game, and all 4 were trick or treating with different people in different places. And the girls? I hold FIRM to the philosophy that all kids in my care will experience all the same things that my own kids have. For the babies, this was their first Halloween, for Miss Curious, the first she would remember.

So a friend came to my rescue to watch some of the little babies, while I took the bigger baby and a big son to grocery shop. Two carts, 4 cases of diapers and $400 in food later, the shopping was done for this week. You can understand why Shel needs a job. ANY job.

Then the day really began. Three car seats? You really have no idea how insane that feels. And when I decided that Caden (age 8 and not the biggest help in the world) and I should take the babies to trick or treat at the mall? Not my smartest moment. One baby in my arms, two in the double stroller and a very hyper 8 year old jumping off the walls. Oh and did I mention I was taking the babies to get their portraits done in their costumes?

Yes. In fact I am crazy.

And then, of course, the actual trick or treating part. Miss Curious threw a royal tantrum at every store when I made her LEAVE the nice ladies with their buckets of candy. EACH STORE. Kicking, screaming, laying on the ground and freaking out tantrum. Did I mention the other two babies in the stroller? And that hyper 8 year old?

Definitely crazy.

But you know, they won't remember my aching back, or the frantic digging in the diaper bag for bottles, or the temper tantrums, or the fact their diapers were dirty. They will remember the pictures of smiling babies in cute costumes and the mama that loved them enough to make sure they had a special 2009 Halloween.


Kristie said...

and this is one of the reasons we love you

Jenny said...

I will never again complain that I have too much to do. Girl, you are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Ooo...I like the new picture...
And you are quite amazing...just thinking about 3 car seats has me a bit overwhelmed!

Wenona said...

Oh my gosh...just one felt overwhelming at're a brave & amazing woman ..its so nice that those girls have you ..& your boys too :)