Ok so I didn't even have to pay for it as this old trampoline came with the house when we bought it. Its an OLD trampoline and bouncy like crazy as a result. At first I worried, but our family doctor is also a dad of boys and as he said, it's better to fix the odd broken bone than treat a child with type two diabetes from too many video games. And thankfully, with 4 boys, 6 years and plenty of craziness, we've had only one broken bone. Lesson learned.
We obviously don't have "safety net" and just let the boys play. Actually, the safety net means kids can go nuts and not control their bodies and know their location on the trampoline at all times. My kids? They KNOW where they are on that trampoline because falling off of it HURTS.
It's been home to many sleepovers ....
I hope, when the boys grow up, that they remember I was the mom that sometimes closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and let them play.
I hope they learn that life is about bouncing back sometimes.
Great post! Great pics! The only memory I have of a trampoline are at Uncle Rob's and Auntie Dar's. My mom was of the you will break your neck scaredy cat variety. Bouncing back will come... head over heals flips bouncing back!
Sometimes we just got to let kids be kids. Love the dog enjoying it too.
I love our trampoline! I agree it's worth the small risk! they have SOOOO much fun on it! we did too growing up!
That's awesome, Jenn! Uh..word to the wise...no matter how warm lying on a trampoline can feel on a beautiful cool spring day - don't fall asleep on it.
Been there, done that...had the massive sunburn to prove it. Ouch...ouch...ouch.
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