"Thank You"
Thank you 1000 times over for praying, for supporting, for loving on me and my family this week.
For those of you that sent flowers thank you. My hospital room truly looked as if a greenhouse had exploded. The nursing station actually KEPT some of my arrangements as there was simply no more room to put them. Flowers would arrive on the floor and the nursing station would simply point in my direction.
For the meals, words of encouragement, the friends and the family that were supportive in more ways than I can ever possibly list, thank you. Your love, your kindness, your thoughtfulness and your encouragement were ever so appreciated. For Jess that ran herself off her feet keeping her own family going, running my blog and trying not to worry herself sick, a HUGE thank you. She is my sister by chance but my friend by choice. And she is amazing, in case you ever wondered.
For my sister-friends who went so far as to fly ACROSS THE CONTINENT to be at my bedside words are not enough either. So T, A, P, C and S thank you for the amazing box, the amazing in hospital facial (seriously there is nothing like a facial while attached to IV meds), the dinner, the tears, the hugs and the support. And I sit here in T's home resting while she cooks me food and serves me snacks and brings me my medications. I am blessed beyond measure with the best friends anyone could imagine.
And I am out. Sprung free. The doctor gave me a choice this morning, out today or in until Tuesday waiting for my complication to clear up. EASY CHOICE - no offense hospital as the treatment they gave me was great, but I am ready, very, very, very ready to be out of a hospital bed.
The family is doing great. Shel has kept things on the home front going in the right direction. He had a minor breakdown yesterday (lol hope he doesnt mind me sharing) as us being so far apart when I was facing sickness and complications was very hard on both of us, but the good news this morning has put things back into perspective for him. We will be ok. I will survive and I will be home in a week. Not quite raring to go, but better - and heck - now cancer FREE.
My biggest issue right now is nausea which I assume is from the pain meds. Doctor has informed me that (not so sadly) I would make a terrible drug addict as my body rejects all narcotics. Right now I puke ever so suddenly, ever so frequently. It's not pleasant and my incisions ache which makes me tired. But heh, a I AM cancer free so its all a matter of perspective right?
I had dreams I clung to of being able to shout from the blog rooftop that my tumor was benign, but sadly, that is not to be. I have stage 2, clear, renal cell carcinoma. Catching this really did save my life. The margins are all clear, the lymph nodes too. There was no sign of it spreading and I am going to be ok. They will check me every 6 months for a while.
And so, again, thank you. Back to the couch to surf and make Tamara bring me cold drinks.
Glad you are sprung out and that things are looking good!
Wish there was more we could have done from here!
Yay! Love you girl. You made me panic for a minute this afternoon, but am feeling much better about it now. Wish I was the 3rd rear on that couch! xoxo
Keep us posted of any updates.
Love ya,
Praise the Lord for His intervention leading to an early treatment! Glad you're home and praying for a speedy recovery!
Wonderful! Make sure you read Devora's excellent advice on post-surgery recovery :) Much love!
So glad to hear from YOU Jen! I'm so thankful that everything went well and that you're CANCER FREE! Woohoo!!!
Joy! Joy! Joy! Jen, my friend, you have been so present in my thoughts and meditations for healing. This is such good news. Healing! Just, joy.
wow - i'm so happy to read this update. praying for your kids on the home-front... together SOON!
God bless you daily...surround you with his love and assurance that you are His! and His plan was put in place long before you were an idea sometimes we just have to ride them out before we can comprehend the why!
Just wanted you to know that many are being touched by your blog and your story...so maybe, just maybe His plan is in place!
Thank goodness! So glad to hear your words again Jen...
Love and hugs!
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