Saturday, April 3, 2010

Two Months

Two months ago my kitchen looked like this.
And then it looked like this ...
And then it looked like this ...
And now it looks like this ...
And I would go back to picture to the top just to have one more moment with HER.

I lost my Nan and thus gained a kitchen.  It seems rather trite to even post.  

But thank you Nan.  Thank you for thinking of me.  Thank you for my new kitchen. 

I think of you every single day.

PS especially thanks for the dishwasher.  Its been a long year with 6 kids and no dishwasher and honestly, I am very, very grateful.


Julie K. said...

It is so beautiful! Look at all the cupboards - so much space! And I love the color of the cupboards. You deserve it!

And also, praying for your whole family, as you stand before the courts, and wait for decisions to be made about the 2 precious little girls that you have been parenting/teaching/loving/caring for/holding/hugging/kissing/accepting into your family as your very own - for the past year.

Weird in edgewise said...

Wow! It IS beautiful! My sympathies about your Nan. But I bet she'd like that kitchen too.

robin said...

All I can say is wow. Just wow! It's beautiful--but probably not as beautiful as your Nan.

Anonymous said...

Oooo...pretty!!! It looks fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I love how you have the flower there, with the Purdy's purple pot...Jess.