Thursday, August 28, 2008

Adoption Thoughts: A Change in Plans

Ok. So this is embarassing.

Really, really embarassing.

Yesterday morning I wrote that long winded post about missing my boys already, even before school starts.

Watching them walk out the door. Leaving for school. How much it hurts to even think about.

Then I got up. Got dressed. Ate breakfast.

Grabbed my 3 youngest (Grouchy Greg was still sleeping) and headed to the school Eric and Caden will be attending for a meeting with Eric's new teacher to discuss his classroom needs.

While I was there, they offerred me a job. As a Teacher's Assistant.

In Eric's class.

I start Tuesday, September 2, 2o08.

You're not getting rid of me yet kiddo.


Tudu said...

ROFLMAO! That is so fantastic.

skirbo said...

I'm with Tudu. That's awesome.

Lala's world said...

wow!! that is too funny! have fun! like you need MORE to do!!

Unknown said...

Ah Jen...sometimes the universe is generous! You will be so incredibly awesome no wonder they want you!

You go grrl. Ann

Jen Nickel said...

Thanks Ladies! Really was a huge surprise, and although I am SCARED SPITLESS, I am also excited. Perma-smile excited. Proud of myself I guess.

Yes, I know a small, small step for most mothers but a HUGE ENORMOUS one for me!