Sunday, August 10, 2008

Post-Op Day 1

Just chatted with Jenn.

Shelby had 2.5 hours of surgery last night. He is recovering from that today and resting. Crazy hospital regulations won't allow her to see him for a couple more hours as the visiting hours are pretty restrictive. Jenn saw him briefly during the night in the recovery room. He didn't look too well at that time and was bandaged from just above his ankle to his mid-thigh. Today they have sat him up a little and he has had a cup of milk (oh the irony)!

We will know much more later today, after Jenn can see him and meet with the doctor. I will keep you "posted".



Heather said...

Thanks for posting updates, Jess.

Please let Jen know that our congregation raised Shelby and the whole family up in prayer this morning in church, and that they remain on the church prayer chain, too. A whole bunch of Methodists in NY holding them in prayer!

Anonymous said...

Im glad he's out of surgery and is recovering. Jen must be exhausted!