First, I have decided to spare the world further trauma and made a decision about my summer attire with that in mind. I have never really been a bikini sort of gal. I had a mother whose guidebook on life included the requirement of modesty at all times. I lived under the threat (perceived or otherwise) that if I was seen in public in a two piece bathing suit it would be ripped off of me. I took it seriously enough (combined with sufficient self esteem issues) to never even consider wearing one in public as a teenager.
As an adult I graduated (at times) into the two piece shorts and top swim suit category. In fact, I own two or three like that and have worn them, IN PUBLIC even, on occassion. After this surgery, gall bladder removal and c-section I now realize I have NINE scars on my stomach. NINE. Add to that the stretch marks from two babies. Sparing you all the trauma and wearing a one piece the rest of my life. You're Welcome.
Secondly, Babies are both doing really well. At the same time however, my life is INSANE. Did you know two children 11 months apart that are both still babies never, ever, ever sleep at the same time? ** well except at this moment which is why I can blog** And did you know that I change about 13 dirty diapers a day? And did you know I am LOVING it? Thought so. And I have only called Older Baby by the former baby girl's name once. And I was really, really tired so that's practically excusable. Oh, and starting today I am supervising the twice weekly visits with parents. Wish me luck.
Thirdly, school is getting close to wrapping up. Caden (son #4) had his year end trip this week to Barkerville and foolish parents that we are, we went along, with the girls. I forgot I had surgery 3 weeks ago and that sitting in a car for 5 hours in one day might not be wise. I wish I would have remembered, but still it was a fun day and Caden was so, so happy we came.

Fourthly, Shel is looking for work and has had a couple of job interviews this week. None are for jobs I actually want him to get or take, but still, its progress. He is away this weekend to buy us a new vehicle (a pre-planned purchase that is now essential as we don't all fit into the van anymore) and away in Victoria for 4 days next week with Eric's class year end trip. Yes, I will need help. Thankfully its already arranged.
Lastly and most importantly, today marks my 15th wedding anniversary. 15 years ago in the pouring rain we joined our lives and became a family. We had no idea what was in store or how hard it would be. We were young, young, young and oh so naive. We have had many good and easy years, a couple hard and difficult ones, good times and bad times, grief, loss and joy. We are blessed. I am lucky (so is he of course)! Happy Anniversary Hon, here's to about 55 more!

Happy 15th Anniversary! I LOVE your picture! 'Glad to hear you are doing well and the new girls too. WOW! 'Thinking of you always.
Maria (TDKOL)
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
I was so tickled to read about the babies. My little one refuses to sleep, at all. As I lay there in the middle of the night worried about her future, I think of you and your loss. I know no one can replace her but I hope these 2 are helping you heal just a little bit.
awww i wish we were here next week! Victoria's close to us!
Have fun
what a great picture!!! I found your blog link on forums =)
Happy anniversary!
Awww Happy Anniversary!!! --Adrienne
Happy anniversary Jen! I love the picture of you and your hubby! My two kiddos are 11 months apart...boy do I remember how busy those baby and toddler days were! And, I never had four boys to deal with on the side. lol! I hope you and Shel get some time together today to celebrate your love and each other!
Happy happy anniversary to the both of you!! You share the day with my sister and her hubby....but it was a stinking hot day back in Ontario when she got married!!
Hope you and Shel and family are able to celebrate the love of God on this day and the next and the next!!!
Jenn- I knew we were soul sisters somehow! June 4th is my anniversary as well :) 4 years for us. Hoping our marriage will prove as strong and solid as yours!
that pic of you is BEAUTIFUL!!!! LOVE IT!
Hey Jen,
That's a great pic of you & Shelby :)
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