Monday, February 22, 2010

A Year

Its the sound of  birds. 

The talk of hockey playoffs.

An afternoon sun that actually warms my back.

My body remembers the horror and fear.

A year ago we found out my dad had 9 months to live.

The day we were told we took this picture.

We took it because we thought it would be the last.

2 weeks later I was diagnosed with Cancer too.

They were dark days.  The darkest.

But the darkest days come before the brightest dawn.

365 days later my dad is cancer free.

It is a miracle noone ever thought possible.

I am cancer free.

Our family has grown by 2.

Thank God for the dawn.


Anonymous said...

God is good.

HollyMarie said...

So beautiful... thank God indeed!

Anonymous said...

wow- already a year.
time keeps marching on, despite the good or bad.
Enjoy these times today... the moments that take our breath away. :)

lexismomtoo said...

Good things for good people.......

Jenny said...

God is awesome. What an incredible blessing for you and your family. :)

Anonymous said...

This post made me cry.... so much has happened! I am glad that this year is better. Love you Jen!


Anonymous said...


Di said...


Judy said...

Thank God for the miracles. He is indeed amazing.

Angie said...

How awesome for you all!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a year! The last time we talked things were a lot bleaker -- what a turnaround. Best wishes to you and your family.

- anonkidneydonor