Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

I was tagged by Nicole over at her (very most excellent) blog, Living. And I am writing this in advance so I can sleep in, relax and basically vegetate on New Year's Day.

Directions: Copy and paste these directions and place them at the beginning of your post. Fill in the categories with your own answers. Tag three other people at the end of your post to complete this meme. Don’t forget to link back to the person who tagged you!

Three joyful things that happened to you in 2008:

1. I spent meaningful time with my Nan.
2. I survived hockey season 2007 - 2008
3. I got a job unexpectedly that I absolutely love.

Three things you learned in 2008:

1. That marriage takes alot of work, even an "easy" one.
2. That I was very ready to quit being a homeschooling mother.
3. That all those people who said "it" would get better with time were right. If better means more bearable that is.

Three things that made you laugh in 2008:

1. My crazy teenager with his snarky sense of humor.
2. My boys' antics on the trampoline together.
3. A good friend who can always make me laugh. Usually at myself. Doofus.

Three things that made you cry in 2008:

1. Hormones. Pretty much I am blaming them for all my tears.
2. Grief over past losses, grief over FEAR of future losses.
3. Watching Obama win.

Three things that made you smile in 2008:

1. My Family
2. My Friends
3. Diet Coke

Three things you will never forget about 2008:

1. Our trip to St. Louis
2. Hearing the sound of my husband screaming over his phone that he had gotten hurt in an motorcycle accident and to come help him.
3. My grandmother.

Three of your nicest memories from 2008:

1. My birthday.
2. Girls Nights Out. All of them! With all the girls.
3. Time with my sister. I really value our adult friendship

Three changes you made in 2008:

1. After 11 and a half years I went back to work.
2. Morning Coffee became the favorite part of my day
3. I started blogging

Three accomplishments you achieved in 2008:

1. I survived mentally and emotionally through some very tough times.
2. I am employed, and liking it.
3. Making choices to take care of me, more often at least.

Three things you are looking forward to in 2009:

1. "Big Medical Procedure" upcoming in the spring.
2. Being the mother of TWO teenagers.
3. My fifteenth wedding anniversary.

And so I tag ... Debi P at My Boys ... Our Lives, Andi at Today's The Day They Give Babies Away and Lea at Everything but the Kitchen Sink

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it. Congrats on everything you achieved (and survived) in 2008 Jen. Wishing you a wonderful new year.