Monday, January 12, 2009

The Day We Touched the Sky

Here we are on Christmas Day, 2005. We had a cold snap early in December and the lake that our city is built around had frozen a good three feet deep. But this cold snap was dry, so although it had been VERY cold, we had no snow. Then the Christmas Eve a warm wind began to blow and created a skiff of an inch or more of water on top of the glass-smooth ice of the lake. And so we spent a delightful afternoon "Flying" on the lake, using their coats as sails.

The backstory to this experience is it was our first Christmas where we weren't travelling to family or having family come to us. We were alone. And I was having a hard time with that. But this day, these memories are still talked about to this day. The day the boys flew on the lake.


Vanessa said...

What an awesome memory to have!!

Di said...

So cool. Jenn the first pic you posted should be entered into a photo contest, it is spectacular!

Andy said...


SabrinaT said...

I wanted to comment and let you know if you see that someone spent 2 hours on your blog it was me... I read the first few posts and was captivated, and found myself starting at the beginning. I was laughing, crying, praying, and cheering loudly for you and your wonderful boys! (all 5 of them)...

birthmothertalks said...

Beautiful pictures!!

Jen Nickel said...

Sabrina - Hi :) Yes I did see that someone spent ALOT of time on one day reading every post. I hope you enjoyed it! How did you find me?

robyncalgary said...

Ive been reading from the beginning and have gotten to this day so far, after seeing these pictures I felt compelled to comment. I currently live in AB but was born and grew up where you live (until I was 6) and I just love these pictures because I have few memories of that town as I was pretty young, but love seeing the beautiful scenery you have captured. Thanks for posting :)