At some point last week Annie began to not put any weight on her leg. I waited a few days hoping she would get better but she hasn't. I held off taking her in because even the cost of the Vet Exam is not in the budget right now. What I didnt expect is that we would come out being told she needs surgery. Apparently in the course of running in the yard with Trip-Pee, she tore the ligaments in her leg. She has a cranial cruciate ligament rupture.
That's sounds scary, and it is. But worse, it's expensive. Sixteen hundred dollars worth of expensive. Our vet is saying there is no other way. She is completely restricted from any movement until surgery. The surgery estimate is at least $1600. That's ALOT of money at anytime. Its really a lot right now.
Annie is not my dog, Annie is Eric's dog. She is his therapy with 4 paws and I have done nothing today but cry over the possibility, or rather impossibility, I am faced with.
I am NOT asking for money, but I am asking if any of my readers are Vets. It would be much easier if you were in BC obviously, but I need to know if this surgery really is our only option. I need to know if there are cheaper alternatives, or if this is it.
I am not asking for me. I am not even asking for my bundle of fur, I am asking for my son because I cannot tell him this. I cannot fail him in this way. I just can't.
Aw, Jen. That just sucks!
I'm neither a vet or in BC, but sometimes if you call around, you might find a vet willing to help you. Is there a vet school you can call? Sorry I don't have better answers.
Our dog tore her ACL (or at least the canine equivalent) and we just couldn't afford it either. We ended up just letting it heal on it's own. That was two years ago. During the winter, her arthritis in that knee is pretty bad, but with a little glucosomine and aspirin, she fairs pretty well. And most of the time, you'd never know there was a problem.
Sorry you are dealing with this.
Jen, I am crying as I read this. Cocoa was my idea as R's therapy. For R it was lack of attachment despite 3 years with our family... The therapist today is sure that his attaching to his dog was crucial to him attaching to me so I know how important a dog is to the psyche of kids who've had a loss!
I do wish you'd set up a paypal... So many of your readers would be so happy to be able to help out with $10 or 100 or whatever fits their means as a way of honoring the laughter and tears you bring us regularly! We pay for newspapers and magazine and here we get enjoyment & enlightenment for nothing and would love to help ease your burden as you have eased ours! Think about it....
Love Dana
Thanks Jenny - I am not sure if we can leave it -- with our winters, and her breed? Just doesnt seem like a possible idea.
Dana - I know you would know and that's exactly why we got Annie. And it works. She sleeps with him every night ... and he worked VERY hard to get her. YEARS of work so that he could have "his" dog. And then training her and working with her and understanding that even though she misbehaved we wouldnt ever get rid of her. You know?
He cried when we told him today after school this dilema ... but then came out afterwards and said "Mom I understand if we cant do this its too much money". I dont know which is worse -- him understanding money worries enough to be willing to sacrifice his dog for his family, or not being able to do this for him.
Tanner is out putting up posters offering to do yard work to raise money for his brother's dog. I think that's pretty sweet too.
I can relate to huge vet bills. When our two dogs fought and one lost an eye. We had to pay over 1500 to have him fixed up. I hope your able to get him the help he needs.
I am in on Dana K's paypal idea! God works in mysterious ways and I believe he can work through paypal too! Allow others to show His goodness to you!
Set up a paypal, we'll help
I read you every day. I would love a way to repay you for the honesty and comraderie that you give me in my adoption world. I'm for setting up paypal, too.
Guys ... I am SO grateful you would even think of that. I really dont want to do this "for money" and all that goes with it.
IF and only IF you are interested really ... I dont mind giving out our vet information and that way you KNOW thats what the money is used for.
email me at jensboys @ shaw . ca (minus all the spaces of course)
AGAIN thank you.
I agree that PayPal would be a great option ... easy for us, instant and as far as I'm concerned, I'm not worried about assuring the money goes to the vet ... plus ... what if you end up using the services of another vet?
'Thinking of you.
Maria (TDKOL)
I gave in. For Eric.
I will phone tomorrow and try to track down my vet. He comes here once a month. I'm certain he is now based out of 100 Mile.
Jen--I've emailed my dear friend Sara, who is a vet--and how do we access your paypal account...
Never mind, I figured out PayPal. Thanks for letting us help.
Awh Jen I am so happy that this has happened, If anyone deserves a little help in a time of need that would be you, you have paid over and over again with your love...U pay it forward all the time, well since I have known ya and that has been awhile...
You got it (late, in training all week, torture) for Eric and Annie. Anytime. Regina
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