Saturday, July 19, 2008

How do YOU spell relief?

Greg's foster family held a BBQ in his honor today.

Today has been FUN. Light, easy and fun.

The Arch. Go Karts, Shopping (Sales, Sales, Sales OH MY!)

Slept until 8 this morning. My first good sleep since we left home.

Greg is loving hanging out with his 17 year old foster brother he lived with for 3 years. He is back to being the confident kid I know. Doesn't "need" to ride with me. Doesn't "need" to stick to my side. The ever persistant silence around other adults has let up, well ... as much as it ever lets up for a 13 year old boy.

I had brought 3 suitcases down. 1 filled with clothes, 2 with gifts. I was really hoping to bring only two suitcases home.

Did I mention those sales?

And Target? Children's Place? And Old Navy? And the Nike factory store?

AND .... most importantly .... WE GOT OUR OBAMA SHIRTS.

And I admit it. I bought two for me.


Anonymous said...

LOL, Jen you have hit all our favorite stores! The ones we shall be frequenting soon for school shopping!

Glad things have relaxed a bit!

Mary said...

read the whole blog! what an amazing person you are!

Anonymous said...

nice to see that boys smiling again knowing it is must be on your way home by now hope your delay in Chicago is none and you arrive home safely...

Anonymous said...


You did great. So did Greg. (((Hugs))) to you both.

I hope you get lots and lots of down time, lots of time to unwind.

Thinking about you and Greg.


Anonymous said...

Wow Jen what beautiful writting very exspressive...I've enjoyed reading it the past week...and kinda sharing in your trip...was praying for you...hope you enjoy your holidays.
Love the pics you added very much...Take care

PS You r a Super MOM ;)